THE MASCULINE URGE TO KILL YOURSELF From what I heard about Hemingway. He seemed like a decent guy. An alcoholic who has a generational battle against suicide and has had his head bashed more times than he can count which has made him suffer and mad for years. Yep, that sounds like a decent average guy. He killed himself when he was sleeping next to his wife. He shot himself with a shot gun. Like a decent average guy. I mean, who wouldn't kill themselves if the burden of mental illness would take over your brain so much that the best way to live is to not live. A decent average guy is someone who has forgotten to live but unlike Hemingway he just shot his soul and not his brains. I have always been vocal about my distain against suicide. "The cowards way out". I always believed that people who commit suicide are just pathetic weaklings who would die anyway by the chain of nature. By survival of the fittest. By how the world would just gurgle them and spit them ou...