I wish I could write about you
JUNE 22 5:58 PM I would love to tell you that I am doing great and living my 20s as I should be. I'd love to tell you that I laugh a lot and smile and tell jokes. I'd love to tell you that the new friends I have made here make me feel like you did. I'd love to tell you that I am living my life as if it was a movie. I'd love to tell you that I fall in love like I did before. Before- before- But I'd be lying- I'd be lying. I wish I could write about you On the door's rim, 3:00 am in the morning. I was in a pub with friends. I was blackout drunk and it didn't feel nice like it used to. This drunk was a different drunk, a bad drunk. I was leaning on the door of men's washroom. In my hand I had my phone. I had your contacts on it, one click away. I could have pressed it and that would have been that. I could've called you again like I have done over the last few months. But- on the door of the pub that my friend insisted to go to- I felt something...